Want to know which NHL Draft prospects are thriving? Who might be faltering? Who has taken a big step in the eyes of scouts? Or who might be dropping down rankings due to a developmental red flag?
DraftPro is proud to provide all the latest news and prospect developments in a tidy bi-monthly digital newsletter for those who want to stay up to speed all season long on the current draft crop. For the low price of $3.99 (CAD) the crew at DraftPro offers in each Newsletter a season update, an up-to-date rankings, and dozens of recently gathered scouting reports on the current draft crop as our scouts detail the progress of hundreds of eligible prospects throughout the season.
The Newsletter will be release bi-monthly meaning every six to eight weeks so fans can track along with our scouts the development of the prospects NHL teams will be watching.
In the March release you will have access to our teams fresh Top 100 Spring Rankings, a season update from our own Director of Scouting Jared Brown, as well as actual scouting reports from various junior leagues and events in this 25+ page offering. The next Newsletter will be release in early June 2023.
Purchase the DraftPro March Newsletter Issue for just $3.99 by clicking the below link.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is an instant download pdf so make sure your popup blocker is turned off and save your download before closing.
Lastly, DraftPro is partnering with Western Canada Hockey Exposure Camp (Twitter @hockeyexposure) this spring in an attempt to help junior age (2004-20008) players gain exposure as they strive to realize their hockey dreams. Register for your spot at http://westerncanadahockeyexposurecamp.ca